The year is 2XXX and the Earth is in various states of shambles and disrepair due to the last series of natural and unnatural catastrophes that rocked the four corners of the globe. Due to the unstable aboveground conditions, the majority of civilization has moved underground into the underbellies of the various major metropolitan areas called ‘undercities’.
As the years have gone by, horror stories and old wives tales have started cropping up that tell of strange misshapen creatures that have started roaming the Earth’s surface in place of the humans who had either died or made their exit years before. There are whispers, too, of a Second Apocalypse and it is only a matter of time before the rumors reach the ears of the man named Cypher.
Condemned to wander the Mortal Earth as a Cursed Immortal for all eternity to atone for Sins he had committed in a previous lifetime of existence, Cypher is a notorious rogue mercenary, bounty hunter, and unofficial odd jobs man who takes on any and all jobs that nobody else can or will. Enigmatic and mysterious and easily one of the best supplies runners and message couriers for the different undercities, he is a recognizable face to nearly all but known by absolutely none.
Initially hired by the Mayor of Underwall to investigate the rumors and clear the immediate aboveground of the monsters, Cypher makes a startling discovery that leads him on a journey to find the source of it all and what he eventually uncovers is a truth more abominable than the monsters themselves.
Story and Art Samples
Insert content here!
Author’s Notes
Being that the writing for this project started out as a combination of script-writing and if-then scenarios, Beyond Redemption has a distinctly RPG feel to it with a heavy dose of choose-your-own-adventure flavoring.
Ultimately, I would love to one day work on this project as an interactive storybook (or even a fullblown video game, but that’s like trying to win multiple lotteries all at once!) with multiple plotlines and multiple possible endings.
Progress Notes
Beyond Redemption was first conceptualized back in 2007 but work didn’t begin until 2009 and 2011 saw the completion of what I call the ‘major plotline and action-reaction nodes’ and a good majority of of the main character development which, yes, includes RPG-style character sheets. 😉
Currently, because of other priorities, this project is on temporary hold though I do still add updates to it when inspiration strikes.